Category: WORKS

Firefighting System Unit (COMPERJ)

Customer: PETROBRAS / ENGINEERING / IECOMPERJ  Objective: Provision of services referring to the elaboration of the executive project, supply of equipment and materials, civil construction, electromechanical assembly and commissioning (preservation, conditioning, pre-operation, startup and guided operation) of the Firefighting System Unit, for the Rio de Janeiro Petrochemical Complex (COMPERJ).  Duration: 1342 days (concluded in January…
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Customer: PETROBRAS / ENGINEERING / IEABAST / IERB Objective: Execution of construction and electromechanical assembly services, with supply of goods and materials, tests, commissioning and guided operation of the Natural Gas Unit at the President Bernardes Refinery (UN-RPBC), in Cubatão/SP. Duration: 1,247 days (concluded in April 2011) Total Man Hours: 2,850,000 Main quantities Metallic Pile…
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Customer: TAG – TRANSPORTADORA ASSOCIADA DE GÁS S.A. Objective: Supply of materials, equipment and services, referring to the construction and assembly for implementation of the Gas Distribution Stations (GDS) of Catu and Aratu, in the state of Bahia. Duration: 539 days (concluded in October 2010) Total Man Hours: 1,180,000 Main quantities: 14” and 18” Gas…
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Customer: PETROBRAS / ENGINEERING / IEABAST / IERL Objective: Execution of civil construction, electromechanical assembly, conditioning, testing and guided operation services, including supply of materials for the Steam Portfolio Off-Site of the Landulpho Alves Refinery – RLAM, in São Francisco do Conde, state of Bahia. Duration: 894 days (concluded in October 2010) Total Man Hours:…
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